Hello. As you dive headfirst into the heart of fall, please be sure to nourish your body with all the things it needs. In Ayurveda, the fall is a time for giving ourselves ojas-building foods, or energy building foods. This means hearty soups, grounding root vegetables, warm teas, ghee, and nuts, for example.

Fall is also a time for inspiration and new ideas. We also set the stage for our health in the winter during fall so it’s best to take care of yourself at this time! It’s important to keep the nervous system calm during fall in order to improve your immunity.

pumpkin muffins

Here’s a healthy pumpkin muffin recipe that you can make either with whole wheat flour or gluten free.

Health Coach-Approved Pumpkin Muffins

Vegan, Gluten Free

Makes 12 muffins

1 3/4 c all purpose flour (or substitute with Bob’s Red Mill gluten free all purpose flour + 3/4 tsp xantham gum)

1 tbsp baking powder

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp nutmetg

1/2 tsp ginger

1/4 tsp allspice

1/8 tso cloves

1 c pumpkin puree

1 c brown rice syrup

1/2 c soy milk

1/2 non GMO canola oil

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Place cupcake baking cups in a twelve muffin tin.

2. Combine flour, baking powder, salt, and spices. In a separate bowl, whisk together brown rice syrup, pumpkin, soy milk, and oil. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix.

3. Fill the muffin cups 2/3 full and bake for 18-20 min or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center.


Why these muffins are healthier than your average muffin:

Brown rice syrup contains 50% complex carbohydrates, 45% maltose and 3% glucose. The small amount of glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream immediately but the complex carbohydrates and maltose are much more slowly absorbed, providing a steady supply of energy!

There are zero animal products in this recipe.

Canola oil should only be consumed if it is non GMO project verified. Period.

Pumpkin is full of nutrients and slow-burning complex carbohydrates and is a root vegetable, helping curb sugar cravings.

Now as always, consume anything with refined flours in moderation. These healthy qualities don’t mean that you can eat the entire batch in one sitting!




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Jenna Pacelli is a Holistic Health Coach and yoga teacher at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She coaches yoga practitioners and busy professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area and all over the world. She assists her clients in having more energy, curbing cravings naturally, losing weight and keeping it off without dieting, reducing stress levels, and living from a place of joy and authenticity. Her clients create lasting change and fully embodied health and wellbeing.